Get to know me….
Hi! I'm Danielle. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a nurse, a friend and many more just like everyone else.
More than all those things I am an original, just like I was born to be!!! Take trip with me on this journey through life. It's filled with bumps and jumps and a lot more mess, but it's mine.
Let's get to know each other, share ideas, stories and more.
I guess I'll start with a minor basic fact regarding me as a nurse.
I know you hear people say, "I always wanted to be a nurse." and it sounds so cliche but for me it is true. I always knew I would be a nurse but I did not expect everything that came along with it. I am currently working as an oncology nurse and I must say it is one of the hardest things to deal with. In oncology you never know how treatment will go for a patient but sometimes you have to look back and see that we have to always provide hope.
Hope is a big deal in the cancer world, but when you provide hope as nurse it also hurts.